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Trauma therapy online or 
at my centre in Berlin

Trauma therapy is a matter of trust. I will support you with empathy and respect. Whether you do your trauma therapy sessions online or on site the focus is always placed on you and your wishes. 

This is where your trauma therapy will take place: online or in person at my centre in Berlin 

Do you often feel overwhelmed by things? My centre lies in a quiet but central courtyard in Berlin. Here you can feel safe. Your trauma therapy will take place in a relaxed environment. This helps you to focus on the essentials. Disruptive factors stay outside. 

If you're more comfortable at home or if you're not from the Berlin area it's possible to have online trauma therapy sessions as well. No need to take the time to get to my office. You can attend your trauma therapy sessions from the comfort of your home. 

You and your therapeutic goals are the focus.

What is trauma in the first place?

Traumas are emotional injuries. When we feel at the mercy of a situation, traumatic stress occurs. Fight or flight is not possible. Our system for dealing with experiences is overwhelmed. This is especially the case when trauma is caused by caregivers in childhood. Fight or flight are only rarely possible in this situation. As a child, we are dependent on our caregivers.

What can we do when there is nothing left to do?

Despite extreme experiences, we manage to survive. What we have experienced is unbearable. And it is not compatible with everyday life. So our psyche splits off parts of our experience — the unbearable memories, feelings and pain. This is known as dissociation. Sometimes only parts of the experience are split off. And sometimes our psyche splits off the whole situation and develops amnesia about the experience.

What happens to these split-off parts?

They don’t just disappear. They stay inside us. And they can be felt through a wide variety of symptoms, sometimes even years after the trauma has taken place. Sometimes these symptoms only disrupt our lives slightly and are quite unspecific. But they can also be huge and make normal life almost impossible.

What form do the consequences of trauma take? 

Perhaps you have a vague feeling that there’s something wrong with you.
Or perhaps you have some of the following symptoms.

  • Anxiety
  • Panic attacks
  • Intrusive thoughts and flashbacks
  • Nightmares and insomnia
  • Feeling alien in your own body
  • Lack of emotion, emotional numbness
  • Dissociative disorders or dissociative identity disorder
  • Depression and loss of interest
  • Attention disorders
  • Excessive excitability
  • Hypervigilance
  • Difficulties in regulating emotion, feelings “overshooting” the mark
  • Pain or physical discomfort without medical findings
  • A persistent state of exhaustion
  • Difficulties or inability to make social bonds
  • Social withdrawal
  • Addiction and eating disorders
  • Self-harming behaviour

Are traumatic experiences the cause of your symptoms?
Then trauma therapy online or on site can help improve the quality of your life.

Which triggers can lead to trauma?

This is a very individual matter. Here is a small overview of possible causes:

  • Accidents
  • Situations involving loss or separation
  • Bullying
  • Experiences of violence
  • Sexualised violence
  • Sexual abuse
  • Abuse
  • Emotional neglect
  • Betrayal of an attachment
  • Psychological violence
  • Ritual abuse

In my practice, I mainly treat people
who have experienced sexual abuse.

Why do trauma therapy? 

Isn’t it much easier to look away? Why do trauma therapy? What reasons are there for exploring trauma? In traumatic experiences, your psyche splits into parts — feelings, body perceptions or complete memories. These split-off parts are frozen in the traumatic situation. For these parts of your psyche, the past is not yet over.

Does this sound familiar?

You are triggered. You are flooded with emotions. It feels like it did back then. But as if it is happening right now.

The reason is that those split-off parts of your psyche have not yet been integrated into your whole person. And that’s why a trigger feels exactly like the trauma is happening again right now.

Do the consequences of your trauma have a negative impact on your everyday life?

There are a variety of symptoms that can make your life difficult. You often only learn to change your behaviour or deal with the symptoms. The symptoms themselves remain.

Do you want to make a lasting change?

In trauma therapy, we work together with these split-off parts of your psyche. The aim is to reintegrate them back into your life. As a result, the symptoms can finally stop.

How does trauma therapy work? 

The therapy is based entirely on you and your abilities. You will discover your strengths and resources and use them in a specific way. This stabilises you. The focus is always on the positive.

You will create a counterweight to all the bad things that have happened. Little by little you can reconnect with the split-off parts of your psyche. They will become reintegrated.

Does it feel as if the trauma is happening right now? This feeling ends once you reintegrate the split-off parts of your psyche. As a whole person, you start to realise that the traumatic experience is over. It’s a thing of the past.

What happens to the symptoms?

You acknowledge the split-off parts. You accept them. You integrate them into your life. This means that they no longer have to appear as symptoms. And the symptoms might now subside. You can feel more whole again.

What methods are used?

The methods I use depend entirely on your needs. We work with what is appropriate for your situation. Here is a brief overview:

  • Treatment of Trauma-Related Structural Dissociation according to Ellert Nijenhuis
  • IKR (Inner Child Recovery) by Gabriele Kahn
  • EST (Ego-State Therapy) according to Jochen Peichl et al.
  • Imagination techniques and methods from hypnotherapy
  • Distancing techniques
  • Screen techniques
  • Setting up your inner system
  • Activation of resources

How much does the therapy cost? 

One session lasts 50 minutes and costs 120 euros. For the first consultation which lasts 25 minutes I will charge 60 euros. You will receive an invoice at the end of the month. You can pay within 14 days. The fee for the first consultation is due in advance.  

As a naturopath, I cannot issue invoices via the German statutory health insurance. Before treatment, please check whether your supplementary insurance or private health insurance will cover the costs on a pro-rata basis.

Need to cancel an appointment?
Please do this no later than 48 hours before the scheduled date. Otherwise, you will have to pay for the appointment.

Prices are valid from 05/2023.

Meike Märtens 

One of my principles is self-empowerment.

In 2013, I got acquainted with trauma therapy and it was immediately clear to me that I wanted to train and work in this area. The methods in this field are so diverse, and the potential for treating trauma is enormous. In recent years, I have put together a large toolbox of methods.

With all these tools you can continue to work without me. It is important that you gradually gain confidence in these methods and yourself. The further our cooperation progresses, the less you need me to work together.

Could trauma therapy
be right for you?

Do you feel that this type of trauma therapy might be right for you? Let’s discuss everything else in person or online and clarify your aims together.